About Me

If I can just give to the world more than I take from it, I will be a very happy man. For there is no greater joy in life than to give. Motto : Live, Laugh and Love. You can follow me on Twitter too . My handle is @Raja_Sw.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

The ultimate reality-check

Relativity, best explained
Perspective, best obtained
Brittleness, redefined
White cloak, cloak of God
Nurses, high alert
Every second, pregnant
Tension, knife-cuttable
Atheists, momentary theists
Looks in eyes, desperation-hope mingled
The unthinkable, gaining mindspace
Memories, flashing by at jetspeed
Regrets, lots
Jokes, unfunny
Fingers, crossed
Sleep, alien.

The Emergency ward of a hospital.

Where life gets its ultimate reality-check.

 (Pic courtesy morguefile ). 

This post has been written as part of the write tribe initiative.


Bhavya N said...

I liked what you said about Atheists :)
Lovely poem.

Shilpa Garg said...

The entire scene of an emergency room came live in front of us through your few words.
White cloak, cloak of God... Atheists, momentary theists... Awesome!

harvey said...

Well written!
Has a good modern touch to it.
Liked it

Corinne Rodrigues said...

You captured the emotions and buzz around a hospital emergency ward so well, Raja! Thanks for taking up this prompt - you aced it!

Raja said...

@Bhav.Zz, thank you for the appreciation. Glad you liked the poem.:-)

@Shilpa, indeed that was the idea. To create a visual of an Emergency ward. Never fun to be there, of course. Thanks for commenting.

@Harvey, thanks. Only after reading your comment, I too felt that this is a bit more modern in style than my usual writing. Maybe I should try it more. :-)

@Corinne, Thank YOU, Corinne, for coming up with this prompt. I know you do a lot of this - not just blogging yourself, but also actively encouraging the blogging community to keep at it. Somehow I used to keep missing other prompts. This time I managed to latch on to this one. So thanks are due to YOU. And I'm glad you liked the poem. :-)

Ava said...

Raja, this is hatke from your style. But you came up trumps!


Cuckoo said...

By far the best I've read of the prompt-lot so far. Especially loved what you wrote about unfunny jokes and passing regrets. Such is life, eh?


ps: Please please please remove the word prompt. Robots do NOT comment. Thanks.

Lalitha said...

That is so true about the emergency room. Wonderful!

Raja said...

@Ava,you're right. Usually I write long, rambling poetry/articles. This one is crisp. :-)

@Meera,thanks. Glad you liked it - I haven't read the others yet but will be doing so soon. Wouldn't want to compare anyway - I think each person puts his/her soul into the writing, and that's what I'd like to think of while reading them.
And I have removed the word prompt. :-)

@Lalitha, thanks. Glad you liked the poem. :-)

Cynthia Rodrigues Manchekar said...

Wow! you've described the whole experience of being in the Emergency room in a nutshell. And yes, being in the midst of tragedy, nearly knocking on the doors of death, can make a believer out of any atheist. Lovely poem.


Vidya Sury said...

A perfect summary of an Emergency ward - life's reality check!

Thanks, Raja!

Raja said...

@Cynthia,thanks. Glad you liked the poem. Indeed, an emergency ward can make a believer (if only temporarily) of non-believers too. In that situation, people look for anything that will give them hope.

@Vidya, thanks. I tried to provide a visual through words.

Unknown said...

This is really fascinating.Such a poetic portrayal of dreary place like an emergency ward.

Raja said...

@Usha: Glad you liked it. Thanks for your appreciation.:-)

Richa Singh said...

and a poetry entry for the write prompt! amazing words and the thoughts quite resonating the emergency counter emotions :)


Raja said...

@Richa, thanks. Glad you liked it. I realise now that I'm the only guy who came up with a poetry post. :-)


That's amazing and unique!
I loved the presentation of the emergency ward in the form of a flow of words!
Crisp and apt!
The first three lines are just awesome!!

Anonymous said...

You've exactly pointed out the emotions we feel in an hospital emergency ward. loved it !

Raja said...

@Kislaya Gopal, thank you. Glad you liked it. :-)

@Dianasmusings, thank you too. It is not the most pleasant of places but it does make an impression.